Creative Storytelling for the Screen

Established in 2019, we are a bespoke independent South Australian production company.

We have a strong focus on amplifying bold voices and unearthing untold stories. We know how to develop and deliver both scripted and factual content, with emotion and audience at the heart of all that we do.

Our slate is being developed alongside seasoned collaborators, both here in Australia and internationally. We also work with other creatives and producers on their own projects, across feature films, TV content and digital projects, including animation.

We are committed to elevating First Nations talent and championing diverse voices.

We acknowledge the Ngarrindjeri and Ramindjeri People as the traditional custodians of the areas where we work and live, as well as the Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains area where we also create. We respect their spiritual relationships with Country and extend that respect to First Nations People, Australia-wide.

All rights reserved, Untold Productions Pty Ltd 2023.